The Benefits Of A Fluorescein Angiography

A fluorescein angiography is a type of retinal imaging procedure that injects a fluorescent dye into the bloodstream. This highlights the blood vessels in the back of the eye and makes them easier to photograph. After viewing the images, your eye doctor can diagnose, treat and manage specific eye conditions.

Let’s learn more about a fluorescein angiography, the disorders it can detect and how it can benefit your eye health.

Why is the Test Done?

A fluorescein angiography is recommended when the blood vessels in the back of the eye aren’t getting enough blood flow. It may also be used to diagnose specific eye disorders such as macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy.

Macular degeneration. Macular degeneration occurs in the macula of the eye, the part of the eye that allows you to see fine details. The condition can progress quickly or slowly, depending on its severity.

Diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is caused by diabetes. Over time, permanent damage can occur to the blood vessels and the retina, resulting in vision loss.

What is the Test Like?

A fluorescein angiography usually takes about 30 minutes. Your eyes will be dilated so you will need someone to pick you up and drive you home. The procedure is similar to other retinal imaging procedures except that you will have a dye injected into your body through an IV. This dye highlights the blood vessels so that the doctor can see how they are working.

Because dye will be injected into the body, it’s recommended that you don’t wear contacts for at least four hours. Otherwise, they could get stained. You should get your results immediately from your eye doctor, and the next steps can be discussed.

What are the Benefits?

Retinal imaging has several benefits for eye care professionals and patients. Let’s explore what these are.  

Simple and painless. A fluorescein angiography is a simple, painless procedure. It’s done right in your ophthalmologist’s office with no anesthesia or incisions.

Fast results. You can get the results from the procedure right away. However, your doctor may order additional tests to confirm a diagnosis.

Easy to interpret. A fluorescein angiography is straightforward. Your eye doctor can store the images on a computer and compare new and old photos to monitor the condition.

Affordable. Retinal imaging is often covered by your medical insurance.

If your eye doctor has recommended a fluorescein angiography, rest assured that it’s an easy and pain-free procedure that can help diagnose eye conditions like macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy. For more information on retinal disorders, contact Empire Retina.