Why Does Reading Get Harder With Age

When you first learned how to read as a child, your biggest struggle was likely just trying to figure out the meaning of new words. Now, you might be encountering new challenges with enjoying your favorite books that can make a relaxing activity more frustrating than necessary. Vision changes that begin around your 40s can impact your ability to make out those tiny words in print, but you can regain control over your ability to see by understanding the reasons why reading gets harder with each new birthday.

Understand How Aging Affects Your Eyes

Presbyopia is the name for the gradual loss of your ability to see objects that are close up clearly as you age. This condition begins gradually, and it is caused by the lens in your eye thickening and becoming more rigid as a normal result of aging. While it might be frustrating to notice these changes in your mid-40s, it helps to know that they tend to stabilize around the time you turn 65.

Check for Other Eye Health Conditions

One of the things that you need to know is that presbyopia tends to occur around the same time that other vision issues arise. Aging is a risk factor for developing eye conditions that include glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. If you notice other unusual eye symptoms that could include having trouble seeing out of your peripheral vision along with experiencing floaters or spots in your field of view, then you may need to visit a retina doctor in Brooklyn who can give you an exam and recommend treatments that may include vitreoretinal surgery.

Slow Down Age-Related Vision Loss

Taking care of your overall health can slow down progressive eye diseases. Around the time you reach middle-age, you might be dealing with high blood pressure or diabetes. Keeping these conditions under control can help you to maintain proper blood flow in your eyes that contributes to better vision. You’ll also want to stay on top of your eye exams. Most people should have their eyes examined by an ophthalmologist every two years, and annual exams are recommended for anyone who falls within the high-risk category for age-related vision loss.

Enjoy Books Again With Prescription Reading Glasses

If you are noticing that fine print is getting blurrier, then you might just need to make a few lifestyle changes. Prescription reading lenses can come in several different forms, and you are likely familiar with the classic glasses that older adults tend to slip on before reading a book. While you will find reading glasses in many stores, you need to have a prescription to find the right ones to help you see clearly. A vision exam for reading glasses is quick, painless and provides you with an accurate prescription that can help you revive your love of reading.

Being unable to read fine print creates problems that go far beyond just being unable to enjoy your favorite book. Blurry vision can cause you to make dangerous mistakes, such as misreading a prescription medication label. If you’ve noticed that you’re holding a book closer to your face than you used to in the past, then now is a great time to find out why. Arranging for an eye exam can give you the whole picture of your eye health so that you can take action to slow down the progression of vision loss as you age.