5 Things You Should Tell Your Eye Doctor

Unless you have a chronic condition, the most you probably visit your eye doctor is once a year. If you forget to talk to your doctor about something, the issue could go unresolved, causing further problems down the road. The tricky thing is knowing which signs and symptoms should be discussed with your ophthalmologist. Sometimes, people don’t realize that what they are experiencing is a problem in the first place.

Below are five things you should always tell your eye doctor – no excuses!

1. Blurry Vision

It’s amazing how quickly we adapt to lower levels of vision. It’s not uncommon for patients to come into the eye doctor only to realize that their vision has changed significantly! That’s why even minor changes in your vision should be brought to your doctor’s attention, in particular, blurry or fuzzy vision. This could be a sign that your vision is deteriorating.

2. Blind Spots

Blind spots are spots in your field of vision that are missing. This is a very big issue, so if you notice blind spots, contact your eye doctor immediately. Missing vision is a type of blindness that may indicate an underlying ocular condition. Not to mention, not having your full field of vision can put you in danger while driving or operating machinery.

3. Burning, Irritation or Dryness

Symptoms like irritation or burning may sound benign, but there are many types of conditions that can produce these effects. The good news is that your retina specialist can perform a number of tests to determine the cause and its proper diagnosis. Your eyes will be more comfortable, and with less itching and rubbing, you lower the risk of scratching your eye or developing an infection.

4.Flashes of Light

Floaters and flashes of light are also indications that something may be wrong. Floaters can appear as squiggly lines or black spots that move across your field of vision, while flashes of light resemble a car headlight. Serious eye conditions can be at the root of these symptoms, so tell your doctor, and they can run the appropriate tests.

5. Head or Eye Injury

Any type of head or eye injury should be reported to your eye specialist and added to your file. Sometimes, these types of injuries can have long lasting effects that aren’t apparent right away. Your eye doctor can do a more thorough eye check at your next appointment to ensure that all of the symptoms are gone and that there is no permanent damage.

Your eyesight is extremely important. Many types of issues can cause long term damage if they aren’t treated right away. Talking to your eye doctor and reporting injuries or symptoms immediately can preserve your vision and prevent you from developing more serious ocular conditions down the road.