Best Lights to Have in Your Home to Assure Healthy Eyes

Did you know that the lights in your home can have an impact on how healthy your eyes are? It’s pretty amazing! Whether you’re updating your home with new light fixtures or you’re looking for ways to reduce eye strain and headaches, your light choices can make all the difference. Below are the best lights our ophthalmologists recommend to ensure healthy eyes. 

Even Light Distribution 

Inconsistent lighting makes it harder for your eyes to adjust when moving into different rooms. The first thing you’ll want to pay attention to is even light distribution. Most eye specialists recommend using warm, white lights that are gentle on the eyes. Center lights, chandeliers, strip lights and hanging pendants are all great ways to bring more light into your rooms. 

Dimmer Switches 

Even though consistent lighting is important, you don’t want to expose your eyes to bright lights all the time. To help with this, install dimmer switches on your lights. It’s a relatively simple and inexpensive upgrade, as long as you have lights that are dimmable. With a few taps, you can adjust the brightness of your lights so that you don’t overexert your eyes. 

Full-Spectrum Lighting 

Full-spectrum lighting covers almost the entire spectrum of light and is the best form of artificial light for your eyes. It also helps people perceive color better, which is a bonus if you enjoy things like art and photography. Some experts even say that full-spectrum lighting improves the mood, mental awareness, sleep quality and Vitamin D production. 

Task Lighting 

Task lights provide adequate lighting for specific tasks like reading, writing and cooking. Examples include table lamps, recessed downlights, wall-mounted reading lights and under-counter lights. If you spend a lot of time at home working or doing activities, you’ll want to have the right lights to match your needs. Simply having bright lights all over the home isn’t enough. 

Avoid Fluorescent Lights 

Fluorescent lights emit an artificial source of ultraviolet light that can lead to blurred vision and headaches. The longer you’re exposed to fluorescent lights, the more damage they can do to your eyes. Instead of using fluorescent lights, retina specialists suggest switching to LED bulbs and fixtures instead. 

Safety Lights 

If you have areas in your home that are dark, such as narrow hallways or staircases, install stair lights or LED light strips. These lights will help you navigate these areas without overexerting your eyes. Plus, you can avoid slips and falls this way! Stair lights are a great option for the outdoors as well. 

High-quality lighting is more accessible than ever before. The options listed above give you an idea of how you can make your home safe and healthy. If you make changes and continue to experience headaches and eye fatigue, contact your eye specialist for further testing.