Do Your Eyes Feel Sore? It Could Be Computer Vision Syndrome

Have your eyes been feeling sore lately? The cause of the discomfort might be due to computer vision syndrome (CVS), which refers to eye strain and pain that is caused by a computer. Research shows that up to 90 percent of people experience the symptoms of computer vision syndrome at some point in their lives. This is easy to believe, considering that many adults (and kids!) stare at a screen for hours at a time.

Let’s learn more about how computers affect the eyes, the main symptoms of CVS and how to protect your vision.

Why Computers are a Problem for the Eyes

When you sit at a computer, your eyes have to constantly focus and refocus. They move up and down to read text. They respond to changing images. There is a lot going on to consume all of the information on the screen, and this makes your eye muscles tired. Computers also give off glares and contrasts that make it more difficult to focus. As a result, the muscles in the eyes get tired and sore.

What are the Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome?

Sore eyes aren’t the only symptom of CVS. You may also experience:

Blurred vision

Double vision

Eye irritation


Back or neck pain

Dry eyes

How to Combat CVS

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to reduce the symptoms of CVS and protect your vision from digital devices. Here are the best steps to take:

Reduce glare. Change the lighting around your desk to reduce glare. You might need to close the blinds, reduce lighting with a dimmer switch or add a desk lamp to balance the light.

Take regular breaks. The 20-20-20 rule is an important one to follow. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This gives your eye muscles a much needed break.

Blink often. Aside from taking breaks, you should blink often. This keeps your eyes moist. If you need to, use lubricating eye drops.

Position your monitor correctly. Your computer monitor should be at least 20-28 inches from your face. Play around with the settings to achieve the optimal resolution, polarity, contrast, font, etc.

If you are still struggling with sore eyes, visit your eye doctor. It’s possible that something else is going on, and your doctor can check for these things. They may also recommend glasses and other strategies to improve the symptoms of CVS. To schedule an appointment with Empire Retina Consultants, contact us today.