Improving Your Eyesight with Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery is a popular way to treat vision problems. A successful surgery can reduce or eliminate eyeglasses or contact lenses, offering more convenience and greater flexibility for patients. Most people have heard of the popular LASIK method, but there are other ways to correct vision by using laser technology.

Let’s learn more about the ways to improve your eyesight with laser vision correction surgery.

Correcting Refractive Errors

Refractive errors are caused when the eyeball or cornea are improperly shaped. As a result, the light from an object is not focused correctly on the retina, leading to a blurred image. Refractive errors are common and can occur in healthy eyes. The four main types of refractive errors are:

-Nearsightedness (myopia). With nearsightedness, you can see things up close, but things in the distance appear blurry.

-Farsightedness (hyperopia). With farsightedness, you can see distant objects, but objects up close are blurry.

-Astigmatism. Astigmatism means that objects near and far are blurry.

-Presbyopia. Presbyopia occurs as part of the natural aging process. Unfortunately, laser eye surgery cannot correct this problem.

Types of Laser Procedures

Several types of laser eye surgery are available, so it’s important to talk with your ophthalmologist about which option is right for you.

LASIK eye surgery is most popular and accounts for 90-95% of all laser vision correction surgeries. The goal is to change the shape of the cornea so that light from objects can be focused correctly. LASIK eye surgery is effective and painless, but it is a financial investment.

Another type of laser eye surgery is PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). This method removes the cornea’s outer covering and reshapes it. Outcomes are similar to LASIK, but recovery is slower. This procedure is generally recommended for those who have already had LASIK or have a thin cornea.

LASEK (laser epithelial keratomileusis) combines LASIK and PRK methods. It’s a good option for those who can’t have traditional LASIK. The last option is LTK (laser thermal keratoplasty), a procedure that uses heat to reshape the cornea. It’s a less invasive way to treat astigmatism and farsightedness, though it’s not commonly done.

Best Candidates for Laser Vision Correction

If you are considering laser surgery to improve your vision, schedule an appointment with your ophthalmologist so that you can discuss the benefits and risks of each procedure. Generally speaking, laser eye surgery is not painful and has favorable long-term results. However, LASIK is an investment and there are potential complications, such as a risk for infection. Always weigh the pros and cons so that you can make an informed decision.

If you’re ready to discuss laser eye surgery to correct a refractive error, contact Empire Retina Consultants today.