What Are the Options for Digital Eye Strain Relief?

Digital eye strain makes it hard to complete your work tasks, and the incidences of people complaining about the symptoms have increased over recent years. In the past, digital eye strain was mostly seen in adults who worked in office positions that required heavy computer use. Now, even children are developing this condition as their schools implement more screen time into their curriculum. Finding relief from digital eye strain typically involves using multiple methods to reduce the strain on your eyes.

Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain

One of the first things that you’ll need to do is learn about what signs your eyes may be giving you that signal it is time to take a break. People with digital eye strain often complain of dryness that can generate a sensation of itching or scratchiness when they blink. Blurred vision is also common, but you’ll want to remember that this could be caused by other conditions. If you have headaches, blurred splotches in your vision, or other new symptoms after getting too much screen time, then you’ll want to consult with an ophthalmologist to find out why.

Adjust Your Work Environment

While scrolling on your phone might involve relaxing on the couch, it is better to sit upright when you are working for long periods of time on your computer. Making a few adjustments to your workspace could be all it takes to help you feel relief. Ideally, you should be sitting about 35 to 40 inches away from your computer screen, which makes it easier for your eyes to filter out the light. You might also need to lower the brightness on your computer screen or let more natural light into your workspace to counteract the glare.

Follow the 20-20-20 Eye Rule

There is a simple formula that eye doctors often use to help people remember to give their eyes a break from staring at their digital devices. With the 20-20-20 rule, you’ll be instructed to take a break every 20 minutes for 20 seconds which involves looking at something 20 feet away. Removing your eyes from the bright device screen gives it a break from having to filter so much stimulating brightness. Focusing on something outside of your immediate environment also gives the eye muscles a chance to relax and use other parts of the eye.

Treat Inflammation With the Eyes

In some cases, too much screen time can exacerbate already existing eye problems. For example, people with dry eyes may find that they become even drier, which increases the risk of eye infections. At a Brooklyn NY ophthalmology clinic, you can receive special intravitreal injections that help to lower inflammation by dropping steroids, antibiotics, or other medications right where they can help the most.

Today, you might not always be able to avoid spending hours staring at a screen, since it might be a requirement to complete your work duties. But, you do have the option of doing little things throughout the day that help to give your eyes the rest they need. If making a few changes in your habits doesn’t provide complete relief, then reach out to your eye care provider to find solutions that make life easier when you can’t step away from your digital devices.